Give thanks for the farmers, and for everyone in the long chain from soil to mouth via sun and rain. Give thanks for the plenty in our lives. Let every mouthful remind us of the privilege of being alive and more-than-adequately fed, of being among like-minded souls, and sharing a wholesome, flavorsome meal.

Italian Food Prayer

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Best Ingredient is LOVE

As I am meandering my way around this new blog site and still learning about all the bells and whistles that I can incorporate, I thought I would post a short note of gratitude and how thankful I am to be able to share food experiences with all of the friends and family that I have in my life. Every year I look forward to participating in our traditional gatherings, celebrating life and remembering those who have touched our lives but are no longer with us here on earth. Whether it be through a family recipe, a funny story told around the table or simply sharing familiar photos - life is certainly it should be!